用Sonos音箱让音乐走哪跟哪 您所在的位置:网站首页 音箱 input 用Sonos音箱让音乐走哪跟哪


#用Sonos音箱让音乐走哪跟哪| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本帖最后由 relliky 于 2021-6-9 05:20 编辑


原本是客厅里有一个二手的回音壁playbar,打折买的两个play1作为环绕立体声。 后又收了一个二手的play3,然后把这两个play1换了位置。重新弄过以后,现在的房间配置是 客厅: sonos playbar 回音壁 2楼主卧: sonos play 1 音箱 1楼走廊: sonos play 1 音箱 厨房: sonos play 3 音箱


想实现的功能有: 1. 在用sonos开始放歌的时候,人走到哪,那里的附近的音箱就开始和主音箱组合,一起同步播放音乐。 2. 人离开那个区域一段时间后,那里的音箱就断开同步,且暂停播放。 3. 如果所有的房间都没有人,一段时间后,所有音乐暂停。 4. 不允许正在播放电视的客厅sonos playbar回音壁加入一起播放音乐。 比如有人在卧室里听音乐,客厅如果在看电视,他来到客厅以后不会让客厅打断电视而播放音乐。同理,客厅在看电视,人去了厨房,厨房音箱不会同步客厅的电视声音。如果客厅没有看电视,则把客厅音箱当作其他的普通sonos音箱进行音乐跟随。 5. 有个开关可以开关音乐跟随功能。设置个开关即可,我这里叫follow_music。如果音乐跟随被关闭了,只是普通的播放音乐。当人离开该房间后,仍然关闭该房间音乐。

首先要设置一个主音箱 master speaker, 同时我们需要维护主音箱让HA在任何时候知道主音箱是哪个。同时添加一个开关用于控制是否启动音乐跟随

input_select: music_controller: name: Sonos Music Master Speaker options: - master_room_sonos - kitchen_sonos - living_room_sonos - first_corridor_sonos


- alias: S- Set Music Master Speaker and Mantain Follow Music When The Only One Is Playing trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - media_player.living_room_sonos - media_player.master_room_sonos - media_player.kitchen_sonos - media_player.first_corridor_sonos to: - "idle" - "playing" - "paused" - "off" - minutes: /5 platform: time_pattern condition: [] action: - choose: # IF - only kitchen sonos is playing - set it as master speaker - conditions: - condition: state state: "playing" entity_id: media_player.kitchen_sonos - condition: not conditions: - condition: state state: "playing" entity_id: media_player.living_room_sonos - condition: state state: "playing" entity_id: media_player.master_room_sonos - condition: state state: "playing" entity_id: media_player.first_corridor_sonos sequence: - service: input_select.select_option entity_id: input_select.music_controller data: option: kitchen_sonos # ELIF other rooms needs to be set up as well ################################################## # SKIPPING SIMILAR CODE ##################################################

如果有人进入某房间,则将那个房间的sonos同步到主音箱,主音箱保持不变,新加的同步音箱成为副音箱,且同步主音箱音量到副音箱。同步音量的时候,如果不同设备同音量下响度不一样,可以进行一些微调让它们保持一个合适的响度。我的play3 音量要比playbar和play1 需要多加10%的音量达到比较平衡的声音

add_sonos_into_speaker_group: mode: queued alias: Add Sonos Speaker Into the Speaker Group fields: target_player: description: "Sonos player name that need to be added into the group" example: "media_player.master_room_sonos" sequence: - condition: template value_template: > {% if target_player is not none and target_player != false and target_player != '' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %} # The target player must not be playing anything - condition: template value_template: > {% if states(target_player) != 'playing' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %} # First set the target player to the same volume as the controller # Play:3 sounds level needs to be offset for setting up Play:1/Playbars - service: media_player.volume_set data_template: entity_id: > {% if target_player is not none %} {{ target_player }} {% endif %} volume_level: > {% for state in states.media_player if state.entity_id == 'media_player.' + states('input_select.music_controller') %} {% if states('input_select.music_controller') != 'kitchen_sonos' and target_player == 'media_player.kitchen_sonos' %} {{ state.attributes.volume_level + 0.1 }} {% elif states('input_select.music_controller') == 'kitchen_sonos' and target_player != 'media_player.kitchen_sonos' %} {{ state.attributes.volume_level - 0.1 }} {% else %} {{ state.attributes.volume_level }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} # Now join the player into the group twice in case sometimes it didn't manage to join in for certain cases - service: sonos.join data_template: master: media_player.{{ states('input_select.music_controller') }} entity_id: > {% if target_player is not none %} {{ target_player }} {% else %} media_player.living_room_sonos {% endif %} 如果有人离开某房间一段时间,则将那个房间的sonos从主音箱断开,根据移除的sonos,重新设置主音箱 remove_sonos_from_speaker_group: alias: Remove Sonos Speaker From the Speaker Group and Update the Master Speaker mode: queued fields: target_player: description: "Sonos player that need to be removed from the group" example: "media_player.master_room_sonos" sequence: - condition: template value_template: > {% if target_player is not none and target_player != false and target_player != '' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %} # The target player must be playing - condition: template value_template: > {% if states(target_player) == 'playing' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %} # The target is not the soundbar that is playing TV sound - condition: template value_template: > {% if target_player is not none and state_attr(target_player, 'media_title') != 'TV' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %} # Update the master speaker in the group - service: input_select.select_option entity_id: input_select.music_controller data: option: > {% set ns = namespace() %} {% set ns.primary_speaker = 'none' %} {% set ns.secondary_speaker = 'none' %} {# set the pri_speaker and sec_speaker #} {% for speaker in state_attr(target_player, "sonos_group") %} {% if loop.index == 1 %} {% set ns.primary_speaker = speaker|regex_replace(find='media_player.', replace='', ignorecase=False) %} {% elif loop.index == 2 %} {% set ns.secondary_speaker = speaker|regex_replace(find='media_player.', replace='', ignorecase=False) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {# use the second speaker as master speaker if target speaker is currently the master #} {% if target_player == ('media_player.' + ns.primary_speaker) and ns.secondary_speaker != 'none' %} {{ ns.secondary_speaker }} {% else %} {{ ns.primary_speaker }} {% endif %} # The target must be the slave to be removed from the group - condition: template value_template: > {% if target_player != 'media_player.' + states('input_select.music_controller') %} true {% else %} false {% endif %} - service: sonos.unjoin data: entity_id: > {% if target_player is not none and target_player != false and target_player != '' and target_player != 'None'%} {{ target_player }} {% else %} media_player.living_room_sonos {% endif %}


pause_sonos_if_sole_speaker_group: alias: Pause the Sonos Speaker if it is a Sole Speaker Group mode: queued fields: target_player: description: "Sonos player that need to be paused" example: "media_player.master_room_sonos" sequence: - condition: template value_template: > {% if target_player is not none and target_player != false and target_player != '' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %} # check it is a sole speaker - condition: template value_template: > {% for speaker in state_attr(target_player, "sonos_group") %} {% if loop.index == 1 %} {% if loop.length == 1 %} true {% else %} false {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} - service: media_player.media_pause data: entity_id: > {% if target_player is not none and target_player != false and target_player != '' and target_player != 'None'%} {{ target_player }} {% else %} media_player.living_room_sonos {% endif %}


################################################################# # # Sonos Speakers Grouping/Ungrouping Based On Motion Sensor # ################################################################# - alias: S-LR Living Room Group Its Speaker If People Present trigger: - platform: state from: "off" to: "on" entity_id: - binary_sensor.living_room_sofa_motion_sensor_motion - binary_sensor.living_room_tv_motion_sensor_motion condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.follow_music state: "on" # The controller player must be playing music (not paused) - condition: template value_template: > {% if states('media_player.' + states('input_select.music_controller')) == 'playing' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %} action: # Add this room speaker into the group - service: script.add_sonos_into_speaker_group data: target_player: media_player.living_room_sonos - alias: S-LR Living Room Ungroup/Pause Its Speaker If No People trigger: - platform: state from: "on" to: "off" for: 00:10:00 entity_id: - binary_sensor.living_room_sofa_motion_sensor_motion - binary_sensor.living_room_tv_motion_sensor_motion - minutes: /5 platform: time_pattern condition: - condition: state entity_id: - binary_sensor.living_room_sofa_motion_sensor_motion - binary_sensor.living_room_tv_motion_sensor_motion for: 00:10:00 state: "off" action: - choose: # IF - music follower is on - conditions: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.follow_music state: "on" sequence: # Remove this room speaker from the group - service: script.remove_sonos_from_speaker_group data: target_player: media_player.living_room_sonos # Pause this room speaker in case it is the last item in the group # or music follower is off # Remove this room speaker from the group - service: script.pause_sonos_if_sole_speaker_group data: target_player: media_player.living_room_sonos

这样就大功告成了。 搞了我几个晚上加周末,最终是调试完成了。 现在用sonos app打开音乐就可以走哪音乐跟到哪了。加上HA自带的airsonos的插件,就算不用sonos app听音乐,用手机airplay到sonos也是一样的。希望对买sonos的朋友有帮助。 还在学习怎么写template所以可能有些地方写的比较冗长一点,以后有时间可以把这些代码精简一下。






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